Please connect in with Carl
Franke 267-
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Go to :
from Oct 2014
MORE INFORMATION - what happen
previously ?
Nov 18th - at the Ardsley
Community Center for an update and an explanation of how the
project is moving forward . Residents are concerned that the
date has, as of Oct 31st, been moved even further forward into
2018 citing the problems obtaining Rights of Way across
properties. Resident Carl Franke can provide you with more
details (see his info below)
The most recent
news: At the Oct 21st meeting it was established that the
funding for the Edgehill/Tyson reconstruction project has been
secured by PennDot ( and the Township already acknowledged
the matching funds ) The next meeting will be Nov 18th - at
the Adsley Community Center for an update and an explanation of
how the project is moving forward . Residents are concerned that
the date has, as of Oct 31st, been moved even further forward
--- and is now possible 2018 . The process of obtaining
right-of-way from the 220 homes impacted by the construction,
which is estimated to take 3 years, is blamed for the 2018 start
date and it is indicated in the letter that the date might move
forward if right-of-ways can be quickly expedited.
Simultaneously the Engineers will be completeing the final
design, permit approvals and utility coordination over the
next 12 months. At the Nov 18th meeting, residents will
try to learn why more people can't be assigned to getting the
10-21-14 A meeting was held .As reported by Rep Dean:
On Tuesday, October 21, at the meeting to
discuss the Edge Hill Road/Tyson Avenue Project were Abington
Township Manager Michael LeFevre, Abington Township
Commissioners Dennis Zappone and Carol Gillespie, Abington
Township Director of Engineering Mike Powers, as well as
representatives from engineering firm Pennoni Assoc. Inc.,
PennDOT officials, Mark Koenig, Kathleen Joyce of my office, and
The goal of the meeting—as is the goal of
this notice—is to get and communicate accurate information about
the following:·
Project timeline·
Right-of-way acquisition process·
As a result of this meeting a few things
were made clear: first, everyone involved is committed to moving
this project forward as quickly and as efficiently as possible;
second, this project is fully funded and committed to by both
PennDOT and Abington Township; and third, that the design
process is far enough along that Pennoni Assoc. Inc., in
conjunction with Abington Township, can begin seeking waivers,
easements, and right-of-way acquisitions from affected property