There are 21 parking spaces proposed only 17 are required.
The building would have 2500 ft.² approximately
They would employ possibly 10 to 12 people who would all be
over 18
For security they would have a minimum of 2 to 3 employees on
the premises,
They would have cameras and off-site monitor and alarm system
, but that employees would keep in their pockets and calls
the police on autodial. they would keep under $40 in the
cash register . Bills over $20 go in and
inaccessible box - and quarters are only accessible in limited
amounts accessible at 10 min.intervals.
At one point they said there would be 2 to 3 box trucks a
day and two of the tractor-trailers per week.. At a later
point in the questioning the total number of trucks was
estimated to be simply 2 to 3 per day. The 7-11
trucks would make their deliveries between the hours of 10
AM and 8 PM. but they did not have control over their
vendor trucks and occasionally some of them might come
at 3 AM or some other time . Some trucks would come early in the
morning, and some trucks would come between 8and 10 at night
such as the bread and pastries. Coke and Pepsi
trucks, Fritos trucks etc. would constitute some of
the others that would be making deliveries. They testified that
there would probably only be about one delivery in the middle of
the night that might be expected.
That was a great deal of discussion about how trucks get in
and out of the property --- and about increased traffic though
the neighborhood . Their plan was for the trucks to go
into the middle lane and then cross over the other lane to get
into the property. A zoning official asked whether that
was a good idea or a safety issue. There were also questions
about the trucks that are going north and where they would
turn around to come back south. They answered that they
did not know where that would happen. Also they suggested
that they couldn't imagine anyone using the store and traveling
on Guernsey Road unless they lived on Guernsey Road.
Residents felt that many people would use Guernsey from Highland
to cut through to get to the convenience store and that possibly
students might come from the high school through the
neighborhood to the store and that there would be a great
deal of increased traffic. They said that they would not
close off the Guernsey entrance that was not a possibility for
them. It was important to 7-11 to have that entrance and
exit on Guernsey so that customers could go out and then turn
left onto York Road.
When the trucks were on the property, they were shown to
possibly block the entrance and exit of the customers.
the applicant did not think that that would be an issue as they
would only be there short while.
Their zoning expert testified that they believe that they
have since our code allows supermarkets and compatible with our
Comprehensive Plan and the Old York Road Corridor study which
call for a variety of uses and no uses that should be restricted
There was a great deal of discussion about the fact that the
ordinance governing this property states that no cooking should
be done on the premises as an accessory use. The Township
seems to be implying that this means they cannot make or sell
cooked food and they seem to feel it is not allowed as an
accessory use but that it is not prohibited as a primary use.
They testified that they would be warming up food but they would
not be making or cooking it on the premises.
They said they did not have any idea what to expect in the
way of crime.
One resident asked if they might have a community bulletin
board in the store
Another resident asked if this particular person now
testifying was saying that they would take care of the
complaints about trash, noise, loitering etc. but that another
party would actually own and run the store ,making the person
testifying no longer be responsible, who would ensure
residents that these things would be done. They said that
711 owns the store , pays the taxes, deals with the development
and controls the property and everything concerned with it so
7-11 would be responsible. A resident asked if they knew
what complaints there had been at other properties and they did
not know. They said different regional real estate managers
handle different properties.
One resident asked how they would be of benefit to the
community when they get more impulse customers rather than
people from the neighborhood, and they can't control the powers
of the vendors trucks etc. they responded that they would
employee people hopefully some from the area, they would
generate revenue for the town as well and provide a service
A question was asked about whether short term signs like for
cigarettes or specials would be displayed. The answer was
that they would comply with the ordinances
The question was asked they would proceed with this even
knowing that the great majority of the residents in the
community and the answer was yes that they would proceed
The Application:
This is the application of
7- Eleven, Inc., applicants for
the property located at 1140 Old York Road for a use variance
from Section 402.2.A of the Zoning Ordinance of the Township of
Abington. The applicants have requested approval to use the
property as a Use C-8 Convenience Store. In addition, the
applicants have requested a variance from Section 801.L.5 of the
Zoning Ordinance to allow for the required relief of the
Security Standards for a 24 hour operation. The applicants have
since amended the application and requested an interpretation
from the Zoning Hearing Board on their proposed use of the
property as a Use C-25 Retail Shop and that they comply with the
requirements of Section 801.L.5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the
Township of Abington. The property is zoned within the (TC)
Town Commercial District of Ward #11 of the Township of
Our codebook is in 2 parts
Part 1
Codebook except for zoning
Part 2
Zoning Portion of Township Codebook
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