Trash, Litter, Rubish,
Debris Codes and Laws
108-1. Prohibited acts.
Disposition of rubbish.
A. No paper, trash, rubbish, ashes, junk, waste or discarded
materials of any kind shall
be thrown, deposited or dumped into any ravine, ditch or gutter,
upon any road, street
or highway or on any public place within the limits of the
Township of Abington.
108-5. Refuse.
A. No house refuse, offal, pomace,
garbage, dead animals, decaying vegetable matter
or organic
waste substances of any kind shall be thrown or deposited
or allowed to
drain into any ravine, ditch or gutter, upon any road,
street or highway, into any waters
of the Township of Abington or on any public place within
the limits of the township, or
upon private property, vacant or occupied,
and be permitted to remain exposed upon
the surface of the ground; and no
putrid or decaying animal and vegetable matter shall
be kept in any house, cellar or
adjoining buildings in an unsanitary manner on any
B. Refuse receptacles shall not be
placed at the curb for collection more than 12 hours
before disposal time and must be
removed from the curb at least 12 hours after the
same have been emptied.
108.1 E
is illegal :)
throw, drop or place, or cause to be
thrown, dropped or placed, upon any
of the public highways, sidewalks
or public places within the township, or
upon any porch, step or yard of any house or store along
any of the public highways within the township, any
posters, circulars, bills, handbills or other advertising
matter of any kind or description whatever.
108.1 F
(It is illegal :) To
throw, drop or place, or cause to be thrown, dropped or placed,
upon any of the highways, sidewalks or
other public places within the township,
any paper, paper boxes or literature of
like kind or nature, or waste matter of any kind
Pa.C.S.A. § 6501.
Scattering rubbish.
(a) Offense defined.--A
person is guilty of an offense if he: 1) causes any waste paper,
......or rubbish, ....... upon the land
of another
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Abington Township revamped the entire Township website at the end of 2015
and broke all the links to the information. In 2017, under Richard
someone inexperienced was assigned to redo the entire website again.
The public was not asked what problems they would like to see fixed. Their new plan was
not well thought out, so everything was very hard to find and there were giant
paragraphs you had to slog through in order to find the pertinent one or two
lines that you needed. Or if you were lucky enough to even find the meetings and
agenda page, there was (and still is) a whole page
of nonsense on top, so you think you're on the wrong page. Zoom limks are
burrid in a giant paragraph, so people can't find them to attend the meeting.
They know about these problems - but have just decided to ignore us....
for the whole of Richard Manfredi's time here (with Tom Hecker's consent).
Now, in 2025, we are due to get a new Manager,
and there are funds put aside to, once again, upgrade the Township website. We can only hope for a
fresh chance at fixing some of these things, as our Township website is the best tool we
have for communication and should be an easy, user friendly site for all.
We need volunteers willing to work together to help improve the Township site
that everyone has to use, to make it functional and accessible.
We will be repairing our broken links in this Abington Citizens site,
too, and fixing some of our many, many
typo's as much as is possible. (Yes, it's quite evident that, unlike the
Township, WE don't have a paid staff of 275+ or a $93 million budget).
So...please let us know if you find broken links
or typos. Send us the URL
and the name of the page it is on, so we can correct it.
Thanks for the help.
The information in this site, like any site, may have unintentional inaccuracies. These pages also have opinions.
Nothing should not be relied upon as fact until it is confirmed personally by the reader.
Please read our full
and read our Policies page before using
this site.
Again..... if you find inaccuracies or even grammatical errors, please
contact us so we may correct them.